Scientific Conferences
Dittrich, T. & Heekerens, J. B. (2025, April). Does Dissociation Have an Emotion Regulation Function? Evidence from Daily Life and the Laboratory. Poster Presented at the Fourth German Psychotherapy Congress, Berlin, Germany.
Heekerens, J. B.* (2025, March). Does Dissociation Have an Emotion Regulation Function? Evidence from Daily Life and the Laboratory. Flash talk at the Society for Affective Science (SAS) Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA. *Session Chair: Clinical Psychology
Heekerens, J. B. (2024, December). Does Dissociation Have an Emotion Regulation Function? Evidence from Daily Life and the Laboratory. Poster presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Heekerens, J. B.* (2024, June). Psychometrische Eigenschaften der deutschsprachigen Version des Prozessmodel der Emotionsregulation Fragebogen (PMERQ) [Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Process Model of Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (PMERQ)]. Research Talk at the Third German Psychotherapy Congress, Berlin, Germany. *Session Chair: Emotionsregulation aus transdiagnostischer Perspektive [Emotion regulation from a transdiagnostic perspective]
Heekerens, J. B. (2024, June). Psychometrische Eigenschaften der deutschsprachigen Version der Černis Felt Sense of Anomaly (ČEFSA) Scale [Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Černis Felt Sense of Anomaly (ČEFSA) Scale]. Research Talk at the Third German Psychotherapy Congress, Berlin, Germany.
Heekerens, J. B. (2023, June). Zeitlicher Zusammenhang von Affekt und Dissoziation bei Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung [Temporal Relationship between Affect and Dissociation in Borderline Personality Disorder]. Research Talk at the Second German Psychotherapy Congress, Berlin, Germany.
Heekerens, J. B. (2022, November). Sozialer Ausschluss bei Menschen mit Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung und Depression: Neue Erkenntnisse aus experimentellen und experience sampling Studien [Social exclusion in patients with borderline personality disorder and depression: Findings from experimental and exprience sampling studies ]. Research talk at the Conference of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics, Berlin, Germany. (Slides)
Heekerens, J. B. (2022, October). Temporal relations between affective and dissociative states in patients with borderline personality disorder: An experience sampling approach. Research talk at the Sixth International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder and Allied Disorders, virtual.
Heekerens, J. B. (2022, September). Temporal relations between affective and dissociative states in patients with borderline personality disorder: An experience sampling approach. Research talk at the Fifty-second Congress of the German Psychological Association, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Heekerens, J. B. (2022, September). Zeitliche Zusammenhänge zwischen Affekt, Zurückweisungserleben, Dissoziation und Selbstwert bei Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung: Untersuchungen mit Experience Sampling Design [Temporal relations between affect, perceived rejection, dissociation, and self-esteem in patients with borderline personality disorder: Studies using experience sampling designs]. Research talk presented as part of the Hamburger Fellowship Personality Disorders symposium at the Eighteenth Hamburger Symposium Personality Disorders, Hamburg, Germany.
Heekerens, J. B. (2022, June). Affektive und dissoziative Zustände bei Patienten mit Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung: eine Untersuchung mit Experience Sampling Design [Affective and Dissociative States in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder: An Experience Sampling Approach]. Research talk presented as part of the early career researcher symposium at the First German Psychotherapy Congress, Berlin, Germany. (Slides)
Heekerens, J. B. (2021, November). Anspannung und Zurückweisungserleben bei Patienten mit Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung [Tension and Rejection in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder]. Research talk at the Conference of the German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics, Berlin. (Slides)
Heekerens, J. B. (2021, June). The Temporal Relation of Tension and Perceived Rejection in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and Depressive Disorders: An Experience Sampling Approach. Poster presented at the Symposium of the Society of Ambulatory Assessment, Zürich, Switzerland. (Poster)
Heekerens, J. B. (2021, May). The Temporal Relation of Aversive Tension and Perceived Rejection in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and Depressive Disorders: An Experience Sampling Approach & Meta-Analysis: Inducing Positive Affect and Positive Future Expectations Through Writing About One’s Desired Future. Posters presented at the Thirtyeigth Symposium of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Mannheim, Germany.
Heekerens, J. B. (2019, November). Wirksamkeit der Best-Possible-Self Intervention: Ergebnisse einer systematischen Überblicksarbeit und Meta-Analyse [Effectiveness of the best-possible-self intervention: Systematic review and meta-analysis results]. Research talk at the Congress of the Swiss Positive Psychology Association, Bern, Switzerland. (Slides)
Heekerens, J. B. (2019, July). Deconstructing positive interventions: Differential effects of optimistic, grateful, and self-compassionate writing on well-being & What parents look for in their children: Character strengths of the VIA classification are generally desirable. Posters presented at the Sixth World Congress of Positive Psychology, Melbourne, Australia.
Heekerens, J. B. (2018, September). Wie und für wen funktionieren positive Interventionen? Aktuelle Befunde zu Wirkmechanismen und differentieller Indikation [Why and for whom do positive interventions work? Current evidence regarding unerlying mechanisms and differential effects]. Paper presented at the Second Congress of the German-speaking Association of Positive Psychology, Nürnberg, Germany.
Heekerens, J. B. (2018, September). Dealing with conflict: Reducing goal ambivalence using the best-possible-self intervention. Poster presented at the Fifty-first Congress of the German Psychological Association, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Heekerens, J. B. (2018, Juli). Dealing with conflict: Reducing goal ambivalence using the best-possible-self intervention. Poster presented at the Ninth European Conference on Positive Psychology, Budapest, Hungary.
Merkle, B. & Heekerens, J. B. (2018, June). How positive psychology interventions work: The role of positive self-relevant information, positive future expectations, gratitude, and self-compassion. Research talk at the Third Conference of the German Association for Research in Positive Psychology, Trier, Germany.
Heekerens, J. B. (2017, June). Wie funktionieren positive Interventionen? Zwei empirische Studien zu Wirkmechanismen der Best-Possible-Self Intervention. Research talk at the Second Conference of the German Association for Research in Positive Psychology, Trier, Germany. (Slides)
Heekerens, J. B. (2016, September). Does the best-possible-self intervention work on well-being by promoting intrinsic goal pursuits? Poster presented at the First Congress of the German-speaking Association of Positive Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
Popular Scientific Events
Heekerens, J. B. (2018, July). Using positive interventions to increase well-being and life satisfaction in everyday life. Talk at the YADA Inspirationsnacht event, Hamm, Germany.
Scientific Workshop Contributions
Heekerens, J. B. (2023, September). The Temporal Dynamics of Dissociation: Protocol for an Ecological Momentary Assessment and Laboratory Study in a Transdiagnostic Sample. Poster presented at the Summer School of the German-Speaking Society for Psychotraumatology, Castasegna, Switzerland.
Heekerens, J. B. (2022, May). Temporal relations between affective, cognitive, and dissociative states in patients with borderline personlity disorder: An experience sampling approach. Talk at the Multilevel Network Meeting, Universität Zürich, Switzerland. (Slides)
Heekerens, J. B. (2021, October). Using dynamic structural equation models to investigate temporal relations in clincial psychology: An example using patients with borderline personality disorder and depressive disorders. Talk at the From Data to Causes Workshop, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, virtual.